Dental Veneers | Colorado Springs Family Dental | FDCS

Nov 25, 2018

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Veneers

Lawrence Dentistry, your trusted provider of dental services in Colorado Springs, offers exceptional dental veneer treatments to help you achieve a stunning smile. With our expertise in cosmetic dentistry, we understand the significance of a confident smile and the impact it can have on your overall self-esteem. Let us guide you through the world of dental veneers and witness the transformative power they can offer.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They are designed to address a range of cosmetic dental concerns, such as discolored or stained teeth, chipped or worn enamel, uneven teeth, gaps between teeth, or misshapen teeth. Made from high-quality materials, dental veneers provide a natural looking and durable solution to enhance the appearance of your smile.

Why Choose Dental Veneers?

There are several reasons why dental veneers can be an excellent option for smile enhancement:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Dental veneers can dramatically improve the color, shape, size, and alignment of your teeth, giving you a more symmetrical and attractive smile.
  • Stain Resistant: Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to stains, ensuring that your newly enhanced smile remains bright and white for years to come.
  • Durable and Long-lasting: When properly maintained, dental veneers can last for a decade or more. They are a long-lasting solution for achieving a beautiful smile.
  • Conservative Treatment: Unlike some other cosmetic dental procedures, veneers require minimal alteration to your natural teeth. Only a thin layer of enamel needs to be removed, preserving the majority of your tooth structure.
  • Boosted Confidence: With a radiant new smile, you'll feel more confident in social and professional settings, positively impacting various aspects of your life.

The Dental Veneer Procedure at Lawrence Dentistry

At Lawrence Dentistry, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction. Our dental veneer treatment process involves the following steps:

1. Initial Consultation:

We begin with a comprehensive consultation where our experienced dentist, Dr. Lawrence, will carefully examine your teeth, discuss your concerns, and evaluate your eligibility for dental veneers. We will also address any questions or apprehensions you may have.

2. Treatment Planning:

During the treatment planning phase, we will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and desired outcome. Our goal is to deliver the best possible results that exceed your expectations.

3. Tooth Preparation:

In order for the dental veneers to properly adhere to your teeth, a small amount of enamel will be gently removed. This ensures a seamless fit and natural appearance for your veneers. Don't worry; this process is painless, and we will keep you comfortable throughout.

4. Impression and Temporary Veneers:

Next, we will take impressions of your teeth to create custom veneers that perfectly match your desired specifications. While your permanent veneers are being crafted in our state-of-the-art dental lab, we will provide you with temporary veneers, so you can still enjoy an improved smile during the waiting period.

5. Veneer Placement:

Once your custom veneers are ready, we will carefully bond them to your teeth using a special dental adhesive. Our dentist will meticulously ensure a perfect fit and make necessary adjustments to guarantee optimal comfort and aesthetics.

6. Follow-Up and Maintenance:

After the veneers are placed, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to evaluate their functionality, fit, and overall satisfaction. We will also provide you with detailed instructions on how to maintain and care for your veneers to ensure their longevity and keep your smile looking its best.

Trust Lawrence Dentistry for Superior Dental Veneer Services

When it comes to dental veneers in Colorado Springs, Lawrence Dentistry is your premier choice. With our commitment to excellence and patient-centered approach, we strive to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations. Dr. Lawrence and our dedicated team are highly skilled in cosmetic dentistry, allowing us to provide you with the highest quality dental veneers and personalized care.

Contact Lawrence Dentistry today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving a dazzling smile that you'll be proud to show off!

Mike Feldman
Love my new veneers! 😁
Nov 11, 2023
Karan Satia
Great article! Dental veneers are a fantastic option to improve your smile and boost self-confidence.
Nov 8, 2023