Dental Implants for Englewood, CO

Mar 5, 2018

The Importance and Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for individuals in Englewood, CO who are missing one or more teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or dental bridges, dental implants offer a permanent and natural-looking replacement option that can greatly improve your oral health and overall quality of life.

Lawrence Dentistry is a leading provider of dental implants in Englewood, CO. With our expertise and advanced technology, we can help restore your smile and give you the confidence to eat, speak, and laugh without any worries.

Why Choose Lawrence Dentistry for Dental Implants?

At Lawrence Dentistry, we understand that your oral health is vital, and we strive to offer the best possible dental implant services in Englewood, CO. Here's why you should trust us with your dental implant needs:

1. Experienced and Qualified Professionals

Our team of highly skilled dentists and oral surgeons has years of experience in placing dental implants. We stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and advancements in implant dentistry to ensure that you receive the highest standard of care.

2. State-of-the-Art Facilities

Lawrence Dentistry is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to offer you the most precise and comfortable dental implant procedures. Rest assured, you are in good hands throughout your implant journey.

3. Personalized Treatment Plans

We believe in providing individualized treatment plans tailored to meet your unique needs. Our team will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your goals to develop a plan that addresses your specific dental concerns effectively.

Whether you need a single implant, implant-supported dentures, or full mouth reconstruction, we are dedicated to finding the best solution for you.

4. Exceptional Patient Care

Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to create a warm and inviting environment where you feel relaxed and at ease during your visits. Our friendly team will guide you through every step of the dental implant process, ensuring you have a positive experience from start to finish.

The Dental Implant Process

Here at Lawrence Dentistry, we follow a comprehensive dental implant process to ensure optimal results. Our process typically involves the following steps:

1. Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, our implant dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth, review your dental and medical history, and discuss your goals and expectations. This information helps us determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.

2. Treatment Planning

After assessing your oral health, we will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline the number of implants needed, the type of restoration, and the timeline for the procedure.

3. Implant Placement

The next step involves the surgical placement of the dental implants into your jawbone. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. The implants serve as artificial tooth roots, providing a stable foundation for the replacement teeth.

4. Osseointegration

After implant placement, the healing process begins. Over the course of several months, the implants will fuse with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration. This integration ensures the stability and longevity of the implants, mimicking the natural function of your tooth roots.

5. Restoration Placement

Once the implants have fully integrated, our team will attach custom-made dental restorations to the implants. These restorations can be crowns, bridges, or dentures, depending on your specific needs. Our goal is to provide you with natural-looking teeth that blend seamlessly with your existing smile.

Contact Lawrence Dentistry for Dental Implants in Englewood, CO

If you are considering dental implants in Englewood, CO, Lawrence Dentistry is here to help. Our expertise, advanced technology, and personalized approach ensure that you receive the highest quality of care throughout your dental implant journey.

Don't let missing teeth affect your self-confidence and oral health. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how dental implants can transform your smile.