About Our Practice

Mar 9, 2018

Welcome to Lawrence Dentistry, the leading dental practice in the field of dentistry and dental services. As a trusted provider of high-quality oral care, we strive to deliver exceptional services to our patients. With a team of experienced and skilled dentists, we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your dental journey.

Patient Resources and Information

At Lawrence Dentistry, we understand the importance of providing our patients with comprehensive information and resources to ensure they have a positive dental experience. Below, you will find detailed information on various topics related to oral health and dental procedures:

1. Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial for the health of your teeth and gums. Our expert dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily to remove plaque and prevent cavities. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also vital in detecting any early signs of oral health issues.

2. Dental Services Offered

Lawrence Dentistry offers a wide range of dental services to cater to the diverse needs of our patients. Our services include:

  • Regular check-ups and cleanings
  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental fillings and restorations
  • Dental implants
  • Orthodontic treatments
  • Root canal therapy
  • Oral surgery

Our dedicated team of dentists utilizes the latest advancements in dental technology to perform these procedures with precision and care, ensuring optimal results.

3. Preparing for Your Dental Appointment

Preparing for your dental visit can help alleviate any concerns or anxiety you may have. Here are some general tips to keep in mind:

  • Arrive on time for your appointment
  • Bring any relevant dental records or x-rays from previous providers
  • Provide your dentist with a comprehensive medical history, including any medications you are taking
  • Feel free to discuss any anxieties or concerns you may have with your dentist, as they are here to support you and make your visit as comfortable as possible

4. Oral Health Tips for Children

Instilling good oral hygiene habits in children is essential for their long-term dental health. Here are some tips to help parents maintain their children's oral health:

  • Begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as they appear using an age-appropriate toothbrush
  • Supervise and assist your child with brushing and flossing until they have developed the necessary dexterity
  • Limit their consumption of sugary snacks and drinks
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups for preventive care and early detection of any potential issues

5. Dental Insurance and Financing Options

At Lawrence Dentistry, we understand the importance of affordable dental care. We accept a variety of dental insurance plans to accommodate our patients. Our knowledgeable team can help you navigate your insurance coverage and maximize your benefits. For patients without insurance, we offer flexible financing options to ensure you can receive the dental care you need.

Contact Us Today!

Thank you for choosing Lawrence Dentistry for your dental needs. Our team is dedicated to providing top-quality care and exceptional customer service. Book an appointment with us today and experience the difference our expertise can make in your oral health journey.

Andrew Fendrich
Amazing dental practice! 😁👍 Highly skilled dentists provide exceptional oral care with a focus on patient comfort and well-being. Lawrence Dentistry is the go-to place for all your dental needs.
Nov 11, 2023
Katarzyna Rafalska
Great dental practice! 🦷👍 Provides exceptional oral care with experienced dentists. Comfort and well-being guaranteed.
Oct 13, 2023